Welcome Back to School Vikings! We’ve missed you and can’t wait for the fun to begin.
This year’s theme:
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
We look forward to seeing you all on these upcoming dates:
August 7 & 8: Parent’s Day! Parents come by to meet your child’s teacher. Discuss the year ahead and prepare for a great start together.
August 9: Junior Kindergarten & Kindergarten Open House, 4:00-7:00pm
August 10: 1st-8th grade FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Bring your school supplies, enjoy opening chapel and please NOTE: 11:30am dismissal.
August 11: JK-K FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Parents enjoy Boohoo/Yahoo Breakfast compliments of PTO promptly at 8:15am in the Admissions/Development office.
August 18: Curriculum Night, 7:00pm, a great chance for parents to hear about the classroom operation and learn more about curriculum.